How Do I Bill For An Intake Assessment

Picture of Mary Gilson

Mary Gilson

Billing for a diagnostic assessment for mental health using CPT code 90791 involves several steps. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Verify insurance coverage: Before providing the diagnostic assessment, it’s important to verify the patient’s insurance coverage and determine if the service is covered under their plan. This will help ensure that the service is reimbursable and prevent any unexpected billing issues.
  2. Conduct the assessment: The diagnostic assessment involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s mental health, including their history, symptoms, and any other relevant information. The assessment may involve a clinical interview, a review of medical records, and the use of standardized assessment tools.
  3. Document the assessment: Once the assessment is complete, it’s important to document the findings in the patient’s medical record. This should include the date of the assessment, the reason for the assessment, the results of the assessment, and any other relevant information.
  4. Submit the claim: To bill for the diagnostic assessment using CPT code 90791, you’ll need to submit a claim to the patient’s insurance company. The claim should include the CPT code, along with any relevant modifiers or other information required by the payer.
  5. Follow up on the claim: After submitting the claim, it’s important to follow up with the insurance company to ensure that it has been processed and reimbursed properly. If there are any issues or denials, you may need to resubmit the claim or appeal the decision.

As always, ensuring that your claim is free from errors, and contains all relevant information is vital to ensuring that claims get processed in a timely manner.